Monday, July 28, 2014

Try Something That Scares You

This blog is normally about physical fitness but mental fitness is just as important. I posted on my Tumblr account not too long ago about the memory issues I have dealing with ADD.  It's not as bad as it's made out to be on TV but it is still pretty bad.  The short version is I was made to take pills to cope with my distractions all through school.  I resented my parents, doctors, and teachers who made me take them.  So when I turned 18 I took them until the bottles were empty and stopped cold turkey.  I'm almost 31 now and have done very well for myself without medical assistance.  However, now my distractions are causing issues with my relationships and I've recognized that I could do better at work if I could concentrate better. But after all the animosity I have for pills and medications and all the time I spent proving that I didn't need them it sure feels like I would be giving up if I just caved now.

Of all the things I took away from 3 years of graduate school, I appreciate the life lessons the most.  One thing that really stuck with me was this quote.  "What got you hear is not going to get you to the next level". Different accomplishments require different skills.  Sometimes you have to make changes to obtain those skills.  So here I am looking at the new addition to my cabinet at work.  I decided to go with a homeopathic remedy first.  This way I don't have to deal with the doctors or insurance companies.  I'm also not being monitored in any way so that is something to consider.  However the Triple Complex Brain Tonic that I decided to try has no listed side effects, at least according to the internet.  I know the name makes it sound corny but if it works who cares. I'm not going to say that it fixed all my issues but I will say that I have been forgetting less and that has help me at work and personal life which makes me happier in general.  

This Brain Tonic is made by Native Remedies and costs about $33-$35 depending if you go through their site or a re-seller like Amazon.  The site makes it sound like you are going to get pills but I ended up with the liquid form.  Directions are to take .5 mL every hour if you are just having "one of those days" (does this actually happen to non-ADD people?) or .5 mL 3 times a day for chronic issues.  That second one would be me.  I tried morning noon and before bed but that didn't seem to do much.  Now I leave it at work and take it at 8, 11, and 3.  That has helped keep me on track at least during work and gets me home.

Long term I would love to find out how I could not do supplements and just change my diet but I have yet to find anyone who thinks this is possible.  We shall see how everything pans out but one thing is true.  I have overcome a fear and changed for the better. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Community That is Always There For You

For every major undertaking in life it is important to have a support system.  Some people can accomplish things all by themselves but the odds of success rise dramatically when you have friends there to help you along. If you need evidence of this try to think of some of the great accomplishments in human history.  There might have been one leader but there was always a team of people behind that leader supporting them in a tactile or moral way. Taking it down a level there is plenty of literature on why you should get a gym buddy.  This has been highlighted by the growing popularity of Obstacle Course Races (OCR) that require team assistance.  I recently just completed a Tough Mudder and I can comfortably say that I would not have been able to accomplish a number of obstacles without help from teammates and strangers alike.

But for many of us, there are a number of responsibilities that come before your next workout.  Work, school, parenthood, and more are things that demand your attention when you know that the gym will still be waiting for you when your done.  This is exactly what happened to me.  I just completed my masters degree, I am a new father, my employer has given me additional responsibilities, and I just completed major renovations on my home.  But just like the gym there were people who were just as excited to have me back in fitness.  They happen to be people that I have never met.  That's right I am talking about Fitocracy again.  I had to start slow but they don't judge.  The same people who are benching more than their body weight are giving me props for taking a 15 minute walk.  That has been one of the biggest things that has helped me jump back in with both feet.  I've been out of the game for longer than I would like to admit and they know it but they don't care.  They are just happy I'm back. FYI none of the people that are congratulating me work for Fitocracy and if I haven't mentioned it before I don't work for them either.  I am officially back to working out and making fitness a priority again.  I'm hoping that I will be back here soon as well.  If you want to here from me on a more regular basis feel free to follow me on Tumblr or (you guessed it) join me on Fitocracy.  See you there.  We'll be waiting no matter when you decide to join us